
1. April 2021

In April 2021 we held a very successful webinar which included presentations from expert speakers covering a range of issues relevant to the Autistic School Staff Project. This was followed by a panel of autistic teaches who responded to questions submitted in advance by attendees.

You can access the recordings of the presentations here

Sara Peeters produced this wonderful illustration summarising the event

The Programme
Introduction and Chair: Professor Francesca Happé

Presentations by Dr Rebecca Wood; Pete Wharmby; Claire O’Neill and Venessa Bobb.

Q&A panel: Madge Woollard; Jade Pitchford-Waters; Elkie Kammer and Alan Morrison.

Panel Chair: Dr Ruth Moyse

Social Media: Dr Laura Crane

The Autistic School Staff Project is kindly funded by the John and Lorna Wing Foundation. We would like to thank Scottish Autism for generously funding this webinar.

2. Scottish Autism Facebook Premier

Rebecca gave a presentation on the initial findings from the project on behalf of Scottish Autism.

You can access the recording here.